For information on any of the fee categories below, please contact the temple office at 845-454-2540.
Membership Dues
- Includes High Holy Days, cemetery privileges
- Family/Couple
- Single
- Single Parent Family
- * Young Single
- * Young Couple
- Newlywed
- Senior
- Guardian
- Benefactor
- Patron
- Cemetery only
- Associate Member **
* through age 36 for single or older member of couple; requires monthly automatic payment; full voting rights. Cemetery privileges after 5 years. Capital Fund Pledge delayed 5 years
** for people who are members of other synagogues and are members part-year, or have other reasons for wanting to support the temple. This category includes High Holy Day tickets and includes voting rights, but does not include cemetery privileges
Capital Fund Pledge (payable over 5 years)
Religious School
- Members
- 1 child
- 2 children
- 3+ children
- Non-members
Hebrew School (per child)
Bar/Bat Mitzvah
- Includes
- Basic Fee
- East Chapel Kiddush
- Flowers
High Holy Day Guest Tickets
- 2016 recommended optional donations:
- Family guests (parents/children)
- All services
- Individual service
- Other family and non-member guests
- All services
Individual service
Tree of Life
- Proceeds shared between operating budget and Endowment Fund
Memorial Plaques
- Includes listing in annual Yizkor Book
Perpetual Care
Use of Facilities
- Bar/Bat Mitzvah (members only)
- Other fees for members/non-members
- Weddings
- Sanctuary
- East Chapel
- Entire facility
- Other functions
- Social hall
- Social hall/kitchen
- Available to other congregations and organizations with approval of the Board of Trustees.
Vassar Temple Fee Schedule Categories
February 20, 2017 by urjnetworkadmin • Uncategorised
For information on any of the fee categories below, please contact the temple office at 845-454-2540.
Membership Dues
* through age 36 for single or older member of couple; requires monthly automatic payment; full voting rights. Cemetery privileges after 5 years. Capital Fund Pledge delayed 5 years
** for people who are members of other synagogues and are members part-year, or have other reasons for wanting to support the temple. This category includes High Holy Day tickets and includes voting rights, but does not include cemetery privileges
Capital Fund Pledge (payable over 5 years)
Religious School
Hebrew School (per child)
Bar/Bat Mitzvah
High Holy Day Guest Tickets
Individual service
Tree of Life
Memorial Plaques
Perpetual Care
Use of Facilities