Friday, February 7, 2025
7:30 pm ~ Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Led by Rabbi Altman and Music with Cantor Goldmann
Cantor Goldmann will chant Torah this Shabbat in honor of Shabbat Shirah (celebrating the crossing of the Sea of Reeds)

Saturday, February 8, 2025
9 am ~ Torah Study
Meeting ID: 811 3900 2919 / Passcode: 937219

10:15 am Shabbat Morning Service
Meeting ID: 849 4118 1727 / Passcode: 022049

5:30-7:30 pm ~ Havdalah Service


Vassar Temple’s 175th Anniversary Gala ~ Sunday, April 14, 2024

Dear Vassar Temple Friends,
What an amazing 175th Anniversary gala we had!  Our deepest thanks to Sandra Mamis and her incredibly hard-working gala committee.  Thanks to all who attended, to our many generous sponsors, as well as to those who placed ads and supported the baskets and wine pull!
In addition to the numerous proclamations announced Sunday evening, Sandra also reached out to our Assemblymembers, Didi Barrett and Jonathan Jacobson, who together sponsored a resolution in the Assembly.  

Assemblymember Barrett also arranged for an invitation to me to offer the Assembly Invocation in honor of our 175th.  I was privileged to offer it this past Tuesday to start that day’s legislative session.

Following the invocation (after some other introductions), Assemblymember Barrett officially introduced me and welcomed Sandra, who accompanied me to Albany and was able to sit on the floor of the Assembly Chamber. 

If you’d like to watch it, you can see the video here CLICK HERE (stay on after the invocation for Didi’s remarks) CLICK HERE or you can read my invocation CLICK HERE

Happy 175th Vassar Temple!

Please enjoy these memories from the Gala

Sandra Mamis ~ Opening Remarks ~ CLICK HERE

President’s 175th Anniversary Gala Message ~ CLICK HERE

Video from Senator Schumer ~ CLICK HERE

Gala SlideShow ~ CLICK HERE

Gala Commemorative Journal – CLICK HERE

Pictures from the Gala ~ Photography by Rachel Mamis, 
pictured above with her mother, Sandra Mamis ~ CLICK HERE


Breaking Jewish News

      Welcome to Vassar Temple

  • Join a Reform congregation with a rich history and discover the powerful relevance of Judaism today.
  • Participate in projects that improve our world.
  • Delight in spiritual and intellectual growth.
  • Share your joys and challenges and achieve a sense of peace and belonging.
  • Enjoy opportunities for prayer, learning, social interaction, and Jewish and personal life-cycle support.
  • Enrich your life with meaningful rituals, caring friendships, and joyful celebrations.
  • Join a welcoming congregation where you are accepted as you are at any level of involvement.


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