Rabbi Search Committee: Update 7/20/14


The search committee has been working actively over the summer.

The first phase of our effort – collecting input from our congregants – was completed by June. We received a good deal of guidance from your collective comments; these will of course provide the basis of the competencies we will be looking for in the candidates.

As of today’s date, July 20th, initial resumes have been received; one of the rabbis did sign a contract with another synagogue subsequent to submitting his application to us. Each of the rabbis was contacted by telephone giving both the candidate and the committee an opportunity to engage in a casual conversation related to the individual’s interest in Vassar Temple; to discuss some of the needs of the Temple; and to touch on general information about the community.  It is important that a rabbi who ultimately accepts an offer to serve our temple have his or her professional aspirations met and know that their family will be suited to living in the Hudson Valley which, thankfully, has a great deal to offer as we all know!  All of these conversations were well received by the rabbis who clearly appreciated a chance to ‘schmooze.’ 

The next step in our process will be to have more formal interactions with the viable candidates utilizing visual electronic media. In depth questions regarding worship style, engagement with members, scholarly endeavors and outreach are but a few of the topics that will be on the table.

The intensity of the committee’s work in September and October will depend in part on the outcome of our summer activity and on the availability of candidates to interact with us, especially as some who currently have a pulpit must attend to the obligations of High Holy Days in their current temples during the early Fall.

The Rabbi Search Committee remains committed to identifying and recommending to the Trustees that individual who will help make Vassar Temple an inviting place of spirituality, of learning, of social consciousness, of extended family wholeness: to keep Vassar Temple the place “Where You Belong.”


Sandra Mamis, Chair
Rabbi Search Committee