Our History

Since its founding as The Congregation Brethren of Israel in 1848, Vassar Temple has dedicated itself to the worship of God in accordance with the Jewish faith. Our congregation seeks to cultivate a love and understanding of our Jewish heritage through the practice of Reform Judaism. Vassar Temple provides a home for us and for our children in which we strive to stimulate and strengthen the bonds of fellowship and loyalty to the Torah.

To give you a sense of the rich historical heritage of Vassar Temple, we invite you to enjoy the following two articles:

On the Occasion of Our 175th Anniversary (2024)
On the Occasion of Our 160th Anniversary (2008)

On the Dedication of Our New Building (1953)

 The Congregation of Vassar Temple seeks to:
  • support the worship, life cycle events, and spiritual needs of each of our members
  • educate our children, fellow congregants, and the general community about Jewish history, values, beliefs, and current issues
  • reach out to and welcome non-Jewish congregants and unaffiliated Jews
  • promote Jewish values by undertaking meaningful projects and actions within the community
  • strengthen our bonds with fellow Jews locally, nationally, and worldwide