There are many ways you can help Vassar Temple and our Temple community.
Donate Time:
- Perform Tikkun Olam with our Social Action Committee, Reyut Committee, or Nachamu Committee
- Contribute to a Temple social organization – Sisterhood, Brotherhood, or Youth Group
- Join a committee and help plan and participate in learning, worship, events, and the running of the Temple
- Become a Temple officer or member of the Temple board of trustees –you must be nominated and the slate voted in by the congregation first– and help run the Temple and set policy
Donate Money:
- Participate in the Temple SCRIP Program
- Donate to Temple Funds, perhaps in honor or memory of a friend or relative
- Buy a leaf on the Tree of Life or a memorial plaque for a friend or relative (described more in the Donate to Temple Funds page)
- Directly support a particular Temple event or program
- Donate to a charitable Temple social action cause, e.g., to the Community Tzedakah Fund or the Lunch Box Fund
Donate Goods:
- Food for the Lunchbox, non-perishable items for Can Jam and other food drives, items for the Hillcrest Homeless Shelter
- Gently used items for the Sisterhood rummage sales