
The Vassar Temple Sisterhood is a dynamic group of women who support the mission of Vassar Temple, who promote programming geared to the interests of the women of the congregation, and who share a love of their Temple and Judaism. Vassar Temple’s Sisterhood is open to all Jewish women, whether you are a member of the temple or unaffiliated.

Sisterhood offers many diverse opportunities:

  • Opening Event:  a time to see old friends and meet new ones
  • Book Club:  lively discussions of books of current interest
  • Programs:  visits by authors, artists, and other speakers of interest
  • Membership Event:  raises money for the Temple and for Sisterhood programs plus good food and great company
  • Closing Dinner:  salad dinner to wind up the year and share wonderful recipes
  • Chai Noon Luncheons:  held at various restaurants at noon on the 18th of the month that falls on a weekday
  • Generation Shabbat:  honors those who have been members of Vassar Temple for 40-plus years
  • Fannie and Doris Berlin Lecture:  biennial event where we bring in Jewish speakers of note to the Temple

Sisterhood contributes to the Temple and our Jewish Community by:

Click here for the Sisterhood Facebook page

Click here to access the Sisterhood Brochure & Application

If you are interested in joining Sisterhood or have questions contact

To reach the Sisterhood President email