Hunger Action Nov/Dec ’13

At Vassar Temple, hunger action is a year-round, meal-bound commitment we make to the wider community.




We have a full line up of opportunities to feed our neighbors – a great menu of food donation, service and fundraising activities to choose from.



1. SUNDAY NOVEMBER 3RD:  Come help prepare and serve food at the Lunchbox with our 6th & 7th graders and their families. Can’t make it but want to help? We also have a specific menu and need certain food items in advance. For more information, captain is Carolynn Frankel  

2. NOV 1-20, 2013 . TRIM-A-THANKSGIVING:  Please drop off any canned or nonperishable food items to the Can Jam bin. Baskets of these foods will be donated to Hudson River Housing for their families in time for the holiday ! Questions? Just contact Nancy Samson or call 845.462.4828, or Marian Schwartz

3. NOVEMBER 1-30, 2013.  TURKEY TROT: Have an extra turkey ? We can freeze it and then we will donate it to local agencies for families in need of a holiday bird! Financial donations also welcome for this project. Contact Sandra Mamis or 845-463-2678

4. HILLCREST OVERNITE SHELTER: Provide sandwiches, a casserole, or other items for the homeless shelter evening meal . Contact Linda Doherty  914-474-0038

5. DECEMBER 1-31, 2013.  SOUPER SALE:  Make a donation to the temple earmarked for the Souper Sale . Cases of chunky soups will be purchased and delivered to multiple county-wide pantries to distribute to individuals and families needing warm winter meals. Early January, consider volunteering to take one load to a pre-arranged delivery spot .

6. CAN JAM 2013:  Year-round, our temple food bin is in the foyer ready to take any donation of canned or non-perishable foods you can give, any time during temple hours . Each month, this “mini-load” is delivered to a needy pantry in Dutchess County . Can you volunteer to do a delivery just once this year? Contact Nancy Samson at or call 845.462.4828