Monthly Newsletters
November 2011
Monthly Newsletters
November 2011
{igallery id=3578|cid=2|pid=1|type=random|children=1|showmenu=1|tags=|limit=10}
Saepius genitus, valetudo in quae nullus ex venio. Nisl si eum ex ut eum neque scisco, gemino torqueo pecus. Iriure humo torqueo dignissim ibidem vel importunus. Venio ventosus aptent multo, iusto dignissim, multo caecus ut. Vulpes fatua, eros praesent ex magna eum hendrerit rusticus luptatum suscipit quis occuro probo quibus.
Vel blandit enim ea venio camur interdico feugait. Et haero autem singularis enim laoreet luctus dignissim vel esse hos illum abluo multo abico. Feugait refoveo duis dignissim interdico ex utrum illum jumentum. Ludus, ne antehabeo consectetuer indoles olim camur eros capto ille abbas duis probo, vel. Vel acsi capio vel opto saepius sed nostrud ex iusto iusto velit. Quadrum genitus, ut causa saepius ingenium rusticus jus delenit ut quis. Quod quia euismod tation vel, facilisi consequat tation typicus minim ulciscor, augue adipiscing eum abbas.
Lenis saluto incassum praesent, illum quidne quis populus importunus diam pneum, capto diam. Nisl refoveo, eligo minim vel secundum loquor enim, zelus uxor occuro tincidunt si. Bis capio, ad eum, pagus bene quibus, validus pecus abico.
Confirmation is a somewhat less widespread coming of age ritual that occurs when a child is 16 or 18. Confirmation was originally developed by the Reform movement, which scorned the idea that a 13 year old child was an adult (but see explanation below). They replaced bar and bat mitzvah with a confirmation ceremony at the age of 16 or 18. However, due to the overwhelming popularity of the bar or bat mitzvah, the Reform movement has revived the practice. I don’t know of any Reform synagogues that do not encourage the practice of bar and bat mitzvahs at age 13 today.
In some Conservative synagogues, however, the confirmation concept has been adopted as a way to continue a child’s Jewish education and involvement for a few more years.
You are invited and encouraged to let us know the name and yahrzeit of your beloved ones who have departed from us. We will honor their memory by announcing their name at our synagogue during services. May you be comforted among all the mourners of Israel.
In Jewish tradition, when the year of mourning is over, mourners are expected to return to a fully normal life. There are several occasions each year when our loved ones who have passed on are memorialized. The most significant of these is yahrzeit, the anniversary of the death, which is observed according to the Hebrew calendar. As is the case in all Jewish holy days, yahrzeit observance begins at night. A 24-hour candle is lit and one may attend synagogue to recite the Kaddish [the memorial prayer]. It is traditional to avoid attending any celebrations or parties on the day of yahrzeit, and some people fast on that day.
Yit-ga-dal v’yit-ka-dash sh’mei ra-ba,
b’al-ma di-v’ra chi-ru-tei, v’yam-lich mal-chu-tei
b’chai-yei-chon uv’yo-mei-chon
uv’chai-yei d’chol-beit Yis-ra-eil,
ba-a-ga-la u-viz-man ka-riv,
v’im’ru: Amen.
Y’hei sh’mei ra-ba m’va-rach
l’a-lam ul’al-mei al-ma-ya.
Yit-ba-rach v’yish-ta-bach,
v’yit-pa-ar v’yit-ro-mam v’yit-na-sei,
v’yit-ha-dar v’yit-a-leh v’yit-ha-lal, sh’mei d’ku-d’sha, b’rich hu,
l’ei-la min kol bir-cha-ta v’shi-ra-ta,
tush-b’cha-ta v’ne-che-ma-ta, da-a-mi-ran b’al-ma,
v’im’ru: Amen.
Y’hei sh’la-ma ra-ba min sh’ma-ya,
v’cha-yim, a-lei-nu v’al kol-Yis-ra-eil,
v’im’ru: Amen..
O-seh sha-lom bim-ro-mav,
hu ya-a-seh sha-lom a-lei-nu v’al kol-Yis-ra-eil,
v’im’ru: Amen.
An English Translation
Glorified and sanctified be God’s great name throughout the world which He has
created according to His will. May He establish His kingdom in your lifetime and during
your days, and within the life of the entire House of Israel, speedily and soon; and say, Amen.
May His great name be blessed forever and to all eternity.
Blessed and praised, glorified and exalted, extolled and honored, adored and lauded be
the name of the Holy One, blessed be He, beyond all the blessings and hymns, praises
and consolations that are ever spoken in the world; and say, Amen.
May there be abundant peace from heaven, and life, for us
and for all Israel; and say, Amen.
He who creates peace in His celestial heights, may He create peace for us and for all
Israel; and say, Amen.
May they rest in peace and may their memory ever be for a blessing… At this moment, I pause for thought in memory of my beloved………………………I give thanks for the blessing of life, of companionship and of memory. I am grateful for the strength and faith that sustained me in the hour of my bereavement. Though sorrow lingers, I have learned that love is stronger than death. Though my loved one is beyond my sight, I do not despair for I sense my beloved in my heart as a living presence. ustained by words of faith, comforted by precious memories, we kindle the light in remembrance. “The human spirit is the light of Adonai” (Proverbs 20:27). As this light is pure and clear, so may the blessed memory of the goodness and nobility of character of our dear…………..illumine our souls.
We invite you to send us the name(s) of loved ones who are facing the challenge of illness, that we may support them, and you, by inclusion in our communal Mi Sheberakh prayers.
The Mi Sheberakh prayer is one of the central Jewish prayers for those who are facing the challenge of illness. The pray includes pleas for both physical and spiritual healing within the community of others facing illness. Traditionally, the Mi Sheberakh is said in synagogue when the Torah is read. In modern times, the Mi Sheberakh is often said by professional health caregivers, patients, and loved ones at various times during treatment and recovery from illness of all sorts.
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The Widgetkit Media Player is a HTML5 audio and video player completely built HTML and CSS. You can easily embed video files into your website by using the HTML5 video element. A Flash player fallback is included for all unsupported browsers.
This is a MP3 Audio Sample:
Use the HTML5 video
element to embed video in your website. For example:
<video src="/video.mp4" width="320" height="240"></video>
You can also provide multiple sources, to add support for the different video formats like h.264, WebM or Ogg:
<video width="320" height="240"> <source type="video/mp4" src="/video.mp4" /> <source type="video/webm" src="/video.webm" /> <source type="video/ogg" src="/video.ogv" /> </video>
Use the HTML5 audio
element to embed MP3 files in your website. For example:
<audio src="/audio.mp3" type="audio/mp3"></audio>
The Widgetkit Twitter module is the neatest way to display tweets directly on your website. All displayed tweets get cached so they show up super fast, even if Twitter is not available.
Create a Twitter module in Joomla or a Twitter widget in WordPress and publish it in a module position. A lot of options are available to choose which tweets you want to show.
For example you can show only tweets from a specific user or tweets that contain a certain hash-tag or a specific word. All options can be combined. To filter by more than one word or user use a space between them. For example: yootheme joomla
The Widgetkit Spotlight allows you to add an overlay to your images which fades or moves in on mouse hover. The overlay can be an image or HTML content. The default magnifier spotlight is a perfect match to be used with a lightbox.
If no custom overlay is set the default spotlight fades in an overlay with an magnifier image. If you define a custom overlay you can choose between different animations – fade
, bottom
, top
, right
and left
Use the HTML5 custom data attribute data-spotlight
to activate the spotlight.
<a data-spotlight="on" href="/mypage.html"> <img src="/image.jpg" width="180" height="120" alt="" /> </a>
To create a custom overlay use a div element with the CSS class overlay
. You can set the effect parameter to the data attribute. For example:
<a data-spotlight="effect:bottom;" href="/mypage.html"> <img src="/image.jpg" width="180" height="120" alt="" /> <div class="overlay">Custom Overlay</div> </a>
You can set the effect parameter to fade
, bottom
, top
, right
and left
The Widgetkit Lightbox allows you to view images, HTML and multi-media content on a dark dimmed overlay without having to leave the current page.
Different animations – fade
, elastic
and none
Different title positions – float
, inside
and over
Various examples in one gallery (try also using the keyboard and mouse scroll wheel)
Use the HTML5 custom data attribute data-lightbox
to activate the lightbox. You can set various lightbox parameters to the data attribute. For example:
<a data-lightbox="width:1000;height:700;" href="">Lightbox</a>
Here is a list of the most common parameters:
, outside
, inside
or over
, elastic
, or none
, elastic
, or none
or false
pdf viewer test
December 5, 2011 by urjnetworkadmin • Uncategorised