Important update regarding Temple office hours!
Office hours will be Monday through Friday from 10 am – 2 pm
unless otherwise announced in our weekly email.
The temple door is often locked for security purposes.
Please ring the bell and wait a moment to be admitted.
If you do not receive a response,
because staff are temporarily away from the front office,
please wait a minute and ring again.
Thank you.
Please contact us for assistance at other times:
To reach Rabbi Berkowitz for appointments and non-urgent rabbinical matters, contact her at
To reach Rabbi Berkowitz in the event of a life-cycle emergency ONLY
call 845-418-2713.
In case of any other emergency please contact
Temple President Mark Metzger at 845-475-5070
Check out Rabbi Berkowitz’s first audio interview, a podcast with Sean Ackerman from You Leading You, which interviews area organizational leaders. Click on the box above to listen to Rabbi’s conversation with Sean in You Leading You Episode 130: Leadership and Faith in Life with Rabbi Leah Berkowitz.
Click here to read Rabbi Berkowitz’s blog messages
Generational Shabbat – a Vassar Temple Sisterhood Tradition
Read about it at:

Members of the Vassar Temple Men’s Club who participated in the annual Men’s Club Shabbat service on November 18, 2016 pose on the Bimah following the service.
Rabbi Paul Golomb, Senior Scholar, honored the group by continuing a recent tradition of reading from the Torah during the service.
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Announce Draft
May 5, 2014 by urjnetworkadmin • Uncategorised
Important update regarding Temple office hours!
Office hours will be Monday through Friday from 10 am – 2 pm
unless otherwise announced in our weekly email.
The temple door is often locked for security purposes.
Please ring the bell and wait a moment to be admitted.
If you do not receive a response,
because staff are temporarily away from the front office,
please wait a minute and ring again.
Thank you.
Please contact us for assistance at other times:
To reach Rabbi Berkowitz for appointments and non-urgent rabbinical matters, contact her at
To reach Rabbi Berkowitz in the event of a life-cycle emergency ONLY
call 845-418-2713.
In case of any other emergency please contact
Temple President Mark Metzger at 845-475-5070
Check out Rabbi Berkowitz’s first audio interview, a podcast with Sean Ackerman from You Leading You, which interviews area organizational leaders. Click on the box above to listen to Rabbi’s conversation with Sean in You Leading You Episode 130: Leadership and Faith in Life with Rabbi Leah Berkowitz.
Click here to read Rabbi Berkowitz’s blog messages
Members of the Vassar Temple Men’s Club who participated in the annual Men’s Club Shabbat service on November 18, 2016 pose on the Bimah following the service.
Rabbi Paul Golomb, Senior Scholar, honored the group by continuing a recent tradition of reading from the Torah during the service.
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