Adult Education

I. Ongoing Classes

Shabbat Torah Study ~ A wide-ranging discussion of the weekly Torah portion (parashah) every Saturday at 9 am

Contact: Rabbi Renni Altman,

The World of the Talmud
 Ongoing study of selections

from the Talmud

Contact:  Rabbi Paul Golomb,

Consult the temple calendar or call the temple office to determine the schedule for upcoming classes


2. Special Adult Ed Event

Poet, Alden Solovy visits Vassar Temple

Wednesday, September 11, 2024 at 7pm

Alden will conduct a one-hour adult education session on the Unetaneh Tokef followed by readings from his new book and a book signing


3.  Vassar Temple Lifelong Learning ~ Adult Ed with Rabbi Altman
Series 1:  November 13, 20 and December 4, 2024 at 7:30 pm 
Series 2:  January 15, 22, 29 at 7:30 pm  


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